Monday, April 09, 2007

Bad Ice Cream

Two weeks back, I led a group brainstorm where we worked on names for a new product. There were 6 of us in a small room. I don’t do many group brainstorms, but I do know what it’s like to be invited to them. They can be a bit intimidating because you feel the pressure to produce great ideas on the fly which can do a real number on the nerves.

On top of that, naming is a tough slog. We literally come up with hundreds of options in hopes that we produce two or three killers. And those good ones are then thoroughly checked to ensure that nobody else is using them, or the word doesn’t mean “foreskin” in Thai.

If either case is true, it’s back to the beginning.

With all of this emotional baggage in the room, I felt it would be a good idea to do an ice-breaking warm up for the group to get them in the mood, the spirit of creating. And give everyone permission to fail. Failing is an integral part of creating, and should be celebrated instead of criticized.

Brainstorms aren’t necessarily about getting to the product (though it’s nice when it happens). Brainstorms are about getting in the right space to create—losing inhibitions, dropping defenses, playing fearlessly. All the good ideas live there.

I wanted everybody to take 5 minutes to create terrible ice cream flavors. The absolute most disgusting, unappetizing flavors you can think of, and then name them a la “Rocky Road” or “Cherry Garcia.” Here are a few of my favorites:

Cat Puke Swirl
NYC Summertime Pavement Mocha
Ben and Jerry’s Scrotum
Pralines and Placenta
Rocky Toad
Cambodian Cherry Crotch with Marshmallows
Blisters and Cream
Mint Chocolate Pubes
Bum Foot Fudge


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