Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Twitches n Glitches

Up early on yet another rainy morning. For the love of God, if the sun is still up there, please write me a note and remind me what she looks like. I’ll bet she’s purty.

Did a little Yoga to try and relieve the aches in my back a bit. I chose the ab workout on the DVD for no particular reason, but it appears I made the right choice. The poses were easiier than the upper body and lower body ones, which can only be performed by circus freaks.

This back is effin’ dibilitating I tell ya. I can’t do the simple things like putting on my socks without pain shooting every which way. I just want it to go away. No Advil (waste of money). No doctor visits. No needles. No voodoo. I just want the hurt to exit my body. Quietly.

I’m also draggin the arse a little today due to caffiene deprivation. I’m cutting out the coffee due to an eye twitch I recently developed. It’s a reoccurring theme; when I pump my body full of that stuff, it has lasting effects on me. When I cut it out, the twitch subsides. Today, it’s almost completely gone.

So the body is in a shambles, but the mind? Sharper than ever, folks.

Cam’s back in daycare now, and that’s a little sad, though she’s adjusted seamlessly. K is ramping up her dual career (part soccer coach, part personal trainer). I’m busier with work, so I’m in NYC more. So the house is in more transition, and the balance is off.

I think we’re enjoying it, but there’s so much activity, so much scheduling that we don’t have time to smell the roses if ya know what I mean. Not a moment’s peace.

I’d like to put the brakes on, kill the obligations, disconnect the phone, unplug the TV, and just be.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


You should try the leaf of the tea! Not that bag o processed tea but the real honest to goodness leaf tea. A nice Oolong or some such would give you the lift without the jarring body slam. I am sure there is someplace in NYC like maybe Teavana would have the concoction that will give you the juice your looking for sans twitch.

1:10 AM  

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