Tuesday, August 29, 2006

200mg of Placebo

Advil doesn't work folks. It's a sham, a ploy I tell ya. You've been bamboozled. I helped my good friend Ben move on Saturday and played two games of soccer and my back hasn't been the same since.

After much moaning and complaining, Tessa was kind enough to offer her last two Advil gelcaps complete with 200 milligrams of ibuprofen. 200 milligrams doesn't sound like much. I mean, I'm sure if you look at a milligram you probably can't see it. So 200 of those can't be significant.

I found this list of references to give us a better understanding of 200 milligrams:

• An average sneeze expells 200 milligrams of snot.

• The average amount of gum trapped in your shoe treads is approx 200 milligrams.

• A spider web weighs approximately 200 milligrams.

• There is approx 200 milligrams of frosting dusted on each mini wheat.

So that must mean ibuprofen is some powerful stuff. I imagine a teaspoon of that junk will bore a hole straight through you.

Or it will won't do a thing.

It's the latter. It's a marketing trick, friends. Don't let the smilers in the $1 million TV campaign fool ya. I could've downed the whole bottle and it would still feel like a 5 alarm fire crawling up my spine.

My grandparents would always say "At least you have your health." It was one of those reflex phrases with them. It meant absolutely nothing.

Now that my poor back feels like it's about to snap, I'm kinda gettin what they meant all those years. Wise folks indeed. When you're healthy, you don't know it. When you're not, you always know it. Apprecaite those times that you don't have an ache or a pain or even a sniffle.

Take it light. Keep yerself tuned up and you'll get plenty o mileage. Or you can move furniture all day then run around like an idiot for 180 minutes like me.



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