Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Keep Yer Dern Promises to Yerself

Nice day. Sunny. Warm. Yawn.

I’m in one of the backward seats on my train commute today. Some seats face the future, others face the past. “I don’t know where I’m goin, but I sure know where…” whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold it right there, G. Quoting Whitesnake songs is a mammoth no no on this blog. We don’t want to encourage those morons.

I know Bobby Plant, Mr. Coverdale, and you sir are no Bobby Plant.

Rough moment yesterday, neighbors. I had to tell a client that I couldn’t deliver what I promised. That never happens. Never. Never!

In a moment of insecurity, at a time where I was a little too eager to please, I made a promise that was impossible to keep. It backfired. Completely counter to my relentless work ethic. The notion is like sandpaper to the soul.

Then, later that evening, I get an email from one of my other clients. She was introducing us to a colleague of hers.

“These guys are creative, hardworking, fun and I am lucky to call them friends. I can’t recommend them enough.”

Just when I was set to curl up in a corner somewhere and cut myself off, she has to go and write something like that. Ruined the entire moment.

I was counting the pills. Drafting a will. Dividing my CDs.

But life rocks. And then it rolls.

Pulled from the quicksand of self pity, I am reborn. You may applaud.

On vacation tomorrow, friends, through the weekend. You won’t be hearing from me until Monday. But I’ll try and write one last one tomorrow morning to hold ya over.

No promises, though.



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