Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Stand Up and Talk

Hi there my friends. Tore myself from a fitful slumber a bit too early today for my own good. Ate my shred, drank the brown heat, brushed the pearlies and made a mad dash out the door for a possible conference call with Hong Kong. Thanks to Kris' help I managed to make the 723 train to Manhattan and was at my desk by quarter til 9 for my call on the other side of the world.

Then I find out, the call ain't happening until tonight. All's not lost though. It just means I get to spend a little more time with you.

Luckily, the train ride was a good one. No seats (again), but I met an interesting dude and told stories with him to pass the time. When the commuter trains are packed and you're standing, you tend to talk to yer neighbors. When you're sitting, you don't. I guess it's too easy just to crack open a book, or nod off. But when you're standing gets the blood going. You're more alert. If I ever get into teaching (I have a feeling I will), I'll remember that. Get the clarse off their arse.

This dude I met is also 36 years old. He commutes into NYC. He moved to Norwalk from NYC in 4 years ago. He is starting a family. He has dug up his entire yard to improve it. He muddles through the occasional Monday morning hangover. He BBQs whenever possible.

So, he's basically Greg Monaco in better clothing.

One of the reasons I like it up here is the range of folks you meet. I play on a soccer team filled with Brazillians. I live next door to Itailians, Lithuanians, English, and a few Americans, too. And NYC, just a 45 mile stone's throw, is just a loveable, mangey mutt of a city.

One of the best ways to keep yourself interested in the every day is to strike up a conversation with someone you never met. It's actually quite easy. All you have to do is ask a question, and they're off. You may pick up a few things on the way. You may annoy a few people. But most of the time, the interaction is fun.

I suppose this blog is a conversation of sorts.



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