Monday, July 10, 2006

What did Marco say?

If you watched the world cup final yesterday, you're probably wondering the same thing I am. What would cause the world's best player in the final match of his career to snap like hormonal 16 year-old?

Zinedine Zidane, a pleasure to watch through the entire tournament, was having another fine day. He scored a goal and continually threatened the Italian defense. He was effortlessly threading neat passes, carving, slicing, dicing and dissecting his opponents—just as he had in his previous few efforts. Zidane is a hyper-intelligent player with gifts of skill and patience. He consistently plays in a different class.

I suppose everyone has their Achilles heel. And Marco Materazzi exposed Zidane's.

A lot happens in the game of soccer off the ball. That means, when the ball is on the other side of the field, players work at winding their opponents up. While the referees' attention is diverted, players are busy jawing and yapping to knock opponents off their game.

What did the Italian, Marco Meterazzi, say to Zidane to incite a brutal head-butt to the sternum, thus drawing a red card? A brilliant, albeit scrappy, play. He took France's biggest threat off the field with a few words. Nobody will know what he said, but I have a few ideas:

"Hey, is your mom bald too?"

"Hey man, ribbit ribbit, I'm a frog. Are you going to eat me? Ribbit ribbit."

"Zidane Zidane momidane banana fana momidane fe fi momidane Zidane."

"Ro-gaine. Ro-gaine. Ro-gaine."

"Hey, your initials are ZZ, like ZZ Top." (Breaks into ZZtop medley) "Every girl crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man. She's got legs. She knows how to use em. A-how-how-how-how."

Perhaps you have a few ideas of your own?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

well as you all know by know He was called a terrorist, but in a way that is completly insulting, it would be in line with the highest most grotesque remark anyone could make about your mother, times 10. Of course ZZ is a professional, but I think after all of the pressure of the WC(no,,not water closet...) and bring a little age to bear, it becomes increasingly difficult to think that your lifes successes and failures are going to be decided in one game, and at the point of the head-but, it seems you will be judged...a failure. Thems is some funny cards they are dealin'.

1:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

editors not: make that second "know" a "now".

1:51 AM  

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