Wednesday, July 19, 2006

In Like a Lion, Out Like a Tiger

The sky fell last night. Big, beefy raindrops mixed with hail the size of marbles. Went on flashin n thunderin for a country hour. Saw minivans up to their siderails in water. Then, all at once, it stopped. The calm after the storm.

Not really.

There isn’t much calm at the Monaco hive this morning. Us bees are a-buzzin a little too fast these days, and we’re starting to sputter (to euphamize it for ya). Kris has her agenda. Cam has hers. And I have mine. Which left us all grumbling under our breath today.

We ain’t livin in our usual state of euphoria this morn, folks. I’m not here to write about rainbows and tootsie rolls all the time. If you want that, I think the Osmonds have a blog out there somewhere.

I’m gonna call it like I see it.

And I see an exhausted, conflicted wife who doesn’t have a moment to sort it out. I’m seeing a 21-month old who wants constant attention (don’t we all?). And I’m seeing a guilty husband, leaving the two to sort it out.

What would Ward and June do? Their special edition DVD reveals scenes of valium gobbling and whiskey guzzling. The Beev doesn't approve.

I may be crafting my own PR spin on this, but I believe we’re unearthing some hardcore truths, the kind that need to be told. This is all new to us, my friends. That's what evolving, growing, living is all about. And we’ve received advice from some of you and appreciate it all.

We are thankful to have you next to us.

I can assure you we're not faking it up here in CT—living out some lie. And that's the truth.



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