Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Giraffes Are Imaginary

Finally we have weather worth noting. It only took until late April to get there. After months of winter hardship, enduring the early spring monsoons, the sun mercifully presented its magnificence this weekend. The M-trio took full advantage. Our translucent skin soaking in every ultraviolet.

2 soccer games, a trip to the zoo, yardwork, decktime, and an extended jaunt to the local playground. We paid our winter dues and we cashed in this weekend with an outdoors binge.

The trip to the zoo was a highlight. I have to admit that I have mixed feelings about zoos in general. I’m not a fan of animal caging, but then again, we’d never see a live tiger otherwise. Unless, of course, we safaried somewhere dangerous and mysterious.

I imagine cage-life isn’t a terrible deal; no hunting or gathering, someone cleans up, fresh water’s aplenty. And there's also the vague hope that an over-zealous tourist will fall in with you. Other than that, life’s gotta be pretty boring.

It certainly doesn’t compare to prowling the rainforests, jungles or deserts. I'm sure there's no sensation like felling an antelope with a swipe of a paw, or bathing in a lonely watering hole, or scaring off a live giraffe.

Which reminds me why I wanted to write. I asked Cam what her favorite animal was. And she rattled off a bunch. The monkeys, the tigers, the giraffe, the prarie dogs.

Hang on, the giraffe? You saw a giraffe?


Funny, I never saw one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's pretty funny. I can't wait to see that little giraffe soon. By the way, my favorite animal is the hippopotomous of course.

11:44 PM  

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