Monday, November 06, 2006

Everywhere I Look, There I Am

Science says about 14 billion years ago, I was born. Actually, it’s the time all of us were born—entering the scene with a big bang. It just took 14 billion years for us to finally meet up.

In the context of the universe, that’s a pretty far out coincidence. Well, I for one, am glad to meet you.

So what is it that brought us together? Just close your eyes and listen. It’s whisper quiet, but you can sense it. That’s the faint push of energy. It’s glacial in pace put doggedly persistent. Unwavering from its commitment to plod onward. It’s been moving through epochs, ages, eras—and there isn’t anything we can do to stop it.

So here we all are, 14 bill and change later, buzzing along, remanants of our lovely big bang, our bodies brimming with cosmic dust. Just enough gravity to hold us together. Just enough energy to push us forward.

I was walking through Grand Central and was struck at the notion that I am part of the world and the world is part of me. You and I aren’t separate. We are all part of this force of energy, part of this sea of consciousness.

The mumbling drunk. The disinterested cashier. The blackberry noodler. The Jehovah’s Witness. The steroided jock. What separates me from them? The image of myself? My projections? And my perceptions? My envy?

I was born from different people, who intern were born from different people—but trace it back far enough, like 14 bill, and you’ll see that, well, we’re in this together. In essence, part of me is moving through you.

That thought may creep you out, but like it or not I’m there, along with the rest of the universe.


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