Friday, October 27, 2006



I write thee with weary eyes. Last nite I went to an Introduction to Meditation class in NYC and didn't get home until late. I've been on a bit of a spiritual quest over the past year, and I'm sort of stumbling around looking for that certain... I dunno.

From what I understand, meditation is a great way for you to part the traffic in your head—the thoughts that continually nip at you minute by minute. "Gotta do this. Gotta do that." From what I'm learning, none of the stuff that your head manufactures matters. It's all just noise, and we put too much value in it. So, if you read about my last meditating experience (the one where my leg went numb) you'll understand why I'm taking an intro course.

There I was, in a room with a surprisingly diverse crowd. Equally split between men and women. Ages range from 20s to 70s. All of us there to reach I better state of being. We didn't burn incense and bow and pray and repeat mantras. And we didn't use meditation techniques like concentrating and focusing your thinking on your breath, or to imagining something. This approach was to sit and do nothing. Think nothing. Be nothing. Because that's where we all came from: Nothing. The idea is to let go of every thought that enters your head. Let it be. And it ain't easy.

As soon as you close your eyes, the chatter starts. Layers upon layers of thoughts. You want to pay attention but you're instructed not to, so there's some tension there which isn't necessarily relaxing.

I had moments of freedom from my thoughts, but they were fleeting. As soon as I'd settle in, thoughts like these would pop in:

"What's that singer for the Scorpions doing now?"

"Did someone just cut one?"

"My face itches."

"Peanut butter is yummy."

Then I got hungry.

One more wasted meditation.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can come sit in my basement and do nothing anytime you want . . I promise to charge you only half of what you paid last night.

10:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I play Zodiac Mindwarp real loud and sacrifice poodles to Zorcon the Spacegod...then I count to ten, ah sweet relief and fresh air-ain't nuttin' better for the soul. Hey Anonymous, I like how you think!) Peace and quiet?

10:20 AM  

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