Wednesday, November 01, 2006

12 Shots, the Hulk, a Tranny, and a Guru

A guy walks into a bar. He signals the bartender, “Gimme 12 shots of Red Eye.” Bartender lines em up and pours em out. Guy shoots em back one after the other. Bang. Bang. Bang.

Bartender marvels. “I’ve never seen a guy drink so fast.”

Guy says, “You would too, if you had what I had.”

“What do you have?”

“75 cents.”

BWAAAAAAA. I missed ya over the past couple, my peeps. Kris told me that joke and I think it’s a cracker. I thought I’d break the ice with it.

So, what’s up? Anything gnew with you? Seen any good movies? Transamerica is a pretty good one. Recommended. It’s about a transvestite who is about a week from getting surgery to turn his outie into an innie. Then he gets a call from the son he never knew he had. Yikes!

Cam was a princess last night for Hallow’s eve. Since I’m in the middle of a pitch, I wasn’t able to see her get absoultely buggy about some kid who came to our door dressed as the Hulk. Kris says that she ran inside the house and hid under the dining room table for a solid 30 minutes. After a while she did go to Aunt Rose’s house for some candy. Then she tore the house up until 930 riding the high.

To further my inquiry into this thing called enlightenment, I’ve enrolled myself into a course at a place called EnlightenNext in NYC. I’m studying the teachings of Andrew Cohen. He is a modern spiritual teacher/guru and he founded EnlightenNext.

I’ve heard him lecture on two occasions and I like what he has to say. His thinking, in essense, is that we have to get past our own selfish, narcissitic tendencies in order to live a more fearless and authentic life. A lot of spiritual teachings/philosophies say that, but his brand is pretty radical—it means the demise of your own ego.

Other spiritual teachings help you deal with your ego. His teachings actually help you shift your attention away from it so you live from a more real place. A place free from fear and desire and guilt and jealousy and all those unhealthy feelings we all get.

We are so concerned with ourselves that it distorts how we pursue life. If we’re feeling good, we’re having a good day. If we’re feeling bad, we’re having a bad day. In his mind, we put way too much emphasis on how we feel. And we’re distorting reality.

Makes sense, right?

Well, I’ve heard both good and bad things about Andrew. Many people, including some of his former students, dismiss him as nothing more than a charismatic cult leader who preys on the weak-minded. On the other hand, I’ve also heard amazing things about his teachings. Anyway, if you’re interested, I’m going to be writing a little more about this stuff as I discover it.

Be well. And remember, it’s November 1. Don’t forget your train pass like I did.


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