Monday, September 18, 2006

A Word About Creativity

I’m shooting 65 mph toward the underground caverns of NYC. Cars on the adjacent highway struggle to keep pace. The is sun rising, its golden light pouring and spilling over the everything I see: leafy trees, flat buildings, manicured backyards, electrical transformers, golf courses, commuter parking lots.

My train neighbors have their waxy heads deep into their books n papers. Do not disturb. They are filling their brains with stuff they’ll forget the minute the train pulls into the station.

I have my headphones on listening to Oophoi's Hymns to a Silent Sky, some sweet ambient music I recently heard about on another blog. I’m contentedly tapping away. I wonder, what’s the week gonna bring? What twists and turns will life present? What plans will be made? What promises will be broken?

Expect the unexpected: a few surprises, some pleasant, some not. But I’ve come to learn it’s a lot easier if you accept everything life throws at ya. Just take it and be thankful for it. Even the most horrible stuff you can think of. Just be thankful.

The alternative is not accepting it. Which puts you in a bad place. Sometimes you can’t control what life tosses your way, but you can control how to handle it. If you’re thankful, you can grow. If you’re not, you’re stuck. These are opportunities to grow. To evolve, to become larger, to influence people, to change the world.

A friend of mine who is an improv artist told me one of the secrets to good improv is to accept everything on stage, from artists, the audience, even from yourself. Just realize there is no right way or wrong way. It’s forcing you to travel into the unknown where true creativity lies.



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