Thursday, September 14, 2006

It’s Never Like You Think It’s Gonna Be

It’s amazing what the mind drums up, and how it can affect you, how it can toy with you. Fear can stop ya cold. Fear can make ya crazy. But fear is a fabrication, it’s pretend. Your mind is anticipating what may happen, but it makes you feel as if it already has.

My mind toyed with me yesterday, as I was awaiting a lunch date with Yasuhiko Kimura, somebody I view as in another league. Yasuhiko is a philosopher, and has written a few of books on conscious evolution. His mission is to help individuals author their lives, and help facilitate positive change in the world through his teachings.

I’ve attended two of his weekend workshops, so I spent a lot of time with him in the classroom as a student. He recently contacted me to help him market his company. I was flattered, but I didn’t want to go because of an internal conversation that went something like this:

Fear: This guy is way too smart, he’ll see that you’re a fraud the minute he sits down with you.

Me: But I’m pretty good at what I do.

Fear: Pretty good ain’t good enough, loser. I guarantee in 3 seconds he’ll call your load o crap and ask for the check.

Me: But I want to know this guy. I think I can really learn something from him, and I think I can help him.

Fear: You’re pathetic. You help him? Don’t flatter yourself. I say fine, go ahead, be humiliated. I warned ya, Moron-aco.

Me: I love you, too.

And so I went. And it went nothing like Fear said it would. It was a pleasant afternoon filled with interesting conversation. I slated 2 hours for the lunch, it went closer to 3 because we enjoyed each other’s company so much.

I don’t know if he’ll hire me to help him, but I know I’ve gained a new friend in the process.

Screw you, Fear, ya buzzkilla.



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