Monday, November 08, 2010

Nobody But Us

Winter’s arrived. Nov. 8. Woke up to heavy, icy clumps falling from the sky. The kind of snow that hurts when it hits you. You can can hear it smash into the ground and shatter. An unexpected meteorological treat. 
The weekend was a fantastic one my friends. In low-40 degree temps, we packed up the kids to the beach for a photo shoot. Which sounds like a terrible idea, but it wasn’t so bad, I guess. Our good friend Yvonne, who happens to be a very talented photographer, offered to take some shots of the Monagraham 5. 
The beach looked abandoned—the burger stand boarded up, the playground eerily quiet, lonely swings swaying by themselves. Aidan and Cam loved having the beach to themselves. They tore their jackets off and ran around aimlessly, laughing and screaming. They are immune to weather. While my fingers were going numb, they had not a care. It could’ve been 80 to them.
Like a female pied piper, Yvonne managed to charm Aidan and Cam into settling down enough to snap off a few shots. Kylie wasn’t in the mood for the camera. She wanted to be with Jill full time. The second there was one inch of clearance between her and Mom, her mouth would open good n wide. 
After the shoot, we went for pizza and hot chocolate—but not at the same time. Pizza first. Hot chocolate later. I love my weekends with my family. 


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