Morning Imperfections
The race is on. I gotta make it to the middle of Brooklyn by 10am. Now, that may not be such a tough thing to accomplish for a resourceful and well-conditioned 40 year old. But when you want to drop off your first grader at school in the morning, it’ll key you up a bit.
And how does that anxiousness manifest itself? Well, everything bothered me. Any small detour from my “planned” path to success irked me. Any small request from the kids was met with a short honk. Kylie was in the middle of a “pay attention to me, or else” moment, and nothing would calm her down. Her uncontrollable screeching happening while I’m pressing a razor to my face.
Let the unravelling begin.
My own indecision on what I was wearing kicked it up a notch. Then I boiled over when Cam and Aidan were taking pictures of Jill and I dressing with our iPhones.
Door is slammed. And I immediately regret it. How many times have I told the kids not to slam doors, and there I go doing it. Nice one, Greg.
Looking back at it now. My reactions to these situations were completely senseless. I will make it to Brooklyn on time, as a matter of fact, I emailed my prospect telling her that I might be late. Kylie just needed a hug. Cam and Aidan were having harmless fun. And who gives a crap what I’m wearing?
I want to apologize to everyone in my path this morning. I aim to be a better, bigger person than that.